Welcome to “r3 news”, the area of our web site where you can read all the latest news about r3 environmental solutions. You’ll also find news and articles of interest concerning and the e-waste industry in general.
We’ll also be using this area of the site to post any important announcements regarding updates and changes to legislation in the sector that may affect you.
There will also be plenty of interesting and informative articles posted here on subject matters ranging from environmental issues to global facts and figures and maybe even some more light-hearted material as well … if we can find any!
We’ve only just started to build this collection and it’s a bit sparse at the moment but it will soon grow so don’t forget to check back soon to see what we’ve added!
Please feel free to join in by adding your comments or opinions to any article or news item posted here.

E-waste recycling or organised crime?
Being extremely careful who you chose as your preferred e-waste recycling partner is not a bad thing, as this articles shows. Click the link below

Why responsible recycling?
Responsible recycling is not just a trendy buzz-word at the moment – it is an important, social, environmental and ecological topic. As the link below

EA’s Waste Exports Intelligence Unit gets tough
The Environment Agency’s special investigation department, the “Waste Exports Intelligence Unit”, are getting tough on the growing number of illegal -waste shipments abroad … as